Individuals Making a Difference Congratulations to the eleven individuals from Region III who made this years list of “unsung heroes from around the country who are committed to ending the epidemic.” For the complete list, click here.
Category: News
Sharing Responsibility, Strengthening Results
From the Office of National AIDS Policy The theme of this year’s World AIDS Day is “Shared Responsibility: Strengthening Results for an AIDS-Free Generation.” Now more than ever, it is a fitting theme as the United States focuses, both on the domestic and global fronts, on building partnerships that strengthen our response to HIV and AIDS. Continue reading…
An amazing night for World AIDS Day in New Hope and Lambertville…..
On the evening of December 1st, and thanks to a team effort by FACT Bucks County, New Hope Celebrates, Martine’s RiverHouse, and Wessel+O’Connor Gallery (featuring special WORLD AIDS DAY cupcakes by James Rogers of Cakes Done Simple), with thoughtful words from The Rev Michael Ruk of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, our community was once again brought together to remember our friends and family members with HIV~AIDS that have left us, are still living with the disease, and in our hope for a cure. Over 30 participants were in attendance. At Ferry Landing Park in New Hope, we were kept warm with hot apple …
Curtin & Heefner continue Annual Tradition
Curtin & Heefner has always been a great supporter of FACT Bucks County and to our local community. Robert Szwajkos is part of our BINGO Committee and also volunteers at all of our events. Family Service Association of Bucks County is part of our team at FACT and receives various grants client care, education and prevention purposes. Curtin & Heefner LLP, Attorneys At Law is a supporter of FACT Bucks County and its servicing agency: Family Service Association of Bucks County assisting individuals and their families living with HIV/AIDS. These Thanksgiving Baskets will be distributed this week to our neighbors by Family Services. …
Daniel Gramkee presents BACK TO SCHOOL BINGO YouTube Video
Soon to be posted to our web site, FACT Bucks County wants to give a Big FACT Thank You to Daniel Gramkee for producing a YouTube video of images from our September 2013 BACK TO SCHOOL BINGO. Here’s the link to the video: Additional Back to School images are currently posted in the GALLERY section of our web site. Dan is available for your photography and image needs. Please visit his site at
FACT board grows with two new members and FACT’s Holiday Donation drive begins.
FACT (Fighting AIDS Continuously Together) currently allows for 15 board members as the board of directors. We would like to welcome our most recent board members, The Reverend Michael Ruk and John F. Colton. (For a complete list of board members and their bios go to the ABOUT US section of our web site) The FACT board is an all-volunteer board. FACT has always been lucky have some great people on the board for the last 22 years. A hard-working board to say the least; along with a growing list of committees, devoted volunteers and great sponsors, working together (as our name states) …
Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is a new HIV prevention method in which people who do not have HIV infection take a pill daily to reduce their risk of becoming infected. The pill, called Truvada®, contains two of the many medications that can be used to treat people who already have HIV. These medications prevent HIV from making copies of itself and turning into an infection that’s spread throughout your body. In this way PrEP medicines can help keep the virus from establishing a permanent infection. So, PrEP is a way for people who are at very high risk of getting …
THE RRAZZ ROOM anounces “Season of Giving” to benefit FACT
FACT Bucks County has always promoted a team spirit when it comes to working with local businesses and organizations in various fund raising programs. We are excited to partner up with the new RRAZZ ROOM, The Premier Supper Club of Bucks County located within The Ramada New Hope. FACT would like to welcome Robert Kotonly and Rory Paull, who are now bringing this great venue to Bucks County. During the performances scheduled from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve, donations will be collected for FACT Bucks County as part of THE RRAZZ ROOM’s “Season of Giving” promotion. We thank THE RRAZZ ROOM …
HHS Report on 2012 Progress on National HIV/AIDS Strategy
NHAS Update HHS has released the annual progress report, 2012 HHS National HIV/AIDS Strategy Report. It highlights actions taken by HHS operating divisions and offices during 2012-from research, regulation, and policy making to prevention services, training, public awareness, and grant making-that have helped make progress toward the Strategy’s goals. See the report here.
New Web Portal Explains The Affordable Care Act — Obamacare — For People With HIV
The Kaiser Family Foundation has produced a new consumer web portal to help people living with HIV navigate the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Specifically designed to address the needs of people with HIV, the Obamacare & You portal, funded by Gilead Sciences, Inc., is presented as part of Greater Than AIDS, a leading national public information initiative developed by the Kaiser Family Foundation together with the Black AIDS Institute. Obamacare & You: HIV/AIDS